Business model

strohm.IT is a multimedia studio. At the heart of the business model is a catalogue of projects that generate profit through the exploitation of copyrights or through advertising. All media channels are utilised. The company is currently focussed on developing sustainable and diversified revenue streams by strengthening brands, promoting services and products for its clients and selling or licensing its own content.

strohm.IT works with other content creators to commercialise copyrighted creative material (#IntellectualProperty #IP). Primary advertisers are companies and corporations that value efficient methods of increasing the reach of their ideas, product lines and services.

strohm.IT publishes in multiple languages, online and offline, digitally and in print. In addition to realising online presences, events and exhibitions, the company publishes print products and operates an automated platform of blogs and websites. It combines single-source publishing with social commitment and a consistently interdisciplinary approach.

The effect is a publication mechanism that opens up new opportunities for companies and creators and makes efficient, viral storytelling cheaper and faster. Ideas become events, events become media, regional events become supra-local campaigns. #hyperlocal #storytelling

strohm.IT scores with experience, expertise and customised approaches. The studio meets the challenge of ever faster global change with constant optimisation and provocative originality.

Hello world

…of people hungry for MORE. You are here because you want more of something; usually, it is more attention from customers.

You spend time reading this because your situation needs to be improved. You want to strengthen your search rankings, widen your range of customers, improve your clientele.

We can do all that, no problem.

But we can also improve on the story that is told about you throughout the web. We can tell it on more media, in more formats, more languages and in more forms of jargon than it was told so far. And we can orchestrate all these ways of storytelling to point – like the needle of a compass – towards your landing page.